The Officers, staff, and members of the Old Dominion Boat Club are pleased to welcome visiting Yachtsmen from reciprocal Yacht Clubs to our club and to the city of Old Town Alexandria. We look forward to sharing our expanded facilities and our city with you.
Please review our Reciprocity Rules below and contact our Commodore (Commodore@olddominionboatclub.com) if you have any questions.
1. Definition: Reciprocity is the mutual exchange of club amenities such as club house, docks, restaurant, or other privileges, with whom reciprocity has been established. We do not honor requests for reciprocal privileges from virtual yacht/boat clubs.
2. Reciprocal yacht/boat clubs shall have transient slips available to members of ODBC.
3. Members of reciprocal yacht/boat clubs are considered reciprocal guests of the Old Dominion Boat Club. All guests using the Tap Room must sign in themselves and their guest(s)
4. All reciprocal guests traveling by land, must provide a Letter of Introduction from their club for each visit, dated no later than 48 hours from arrival. This letter must state the member’s name, valid club membership and that they are a member in good standing. Please direct Letters of Introduction to the ODBC General Manager (Joe Nelson (gm@olddominionboatclub.com), Tuesday – Saturday). Questions? 703-836-1900 option 1.
Upon arrival to ODBC, all reciprocal guests, traveling by land, shall identify themselves to the ODBC Bar Manager on duty with their club identification card.
(Please note that ODBC is closed after 6p to non-ODBC members the first Monday of each month (2nd Monday if the first is a federal holiday) for our monthly Membership meeting.)
5. Reciprocal guests, traveling by land, may not bring guests to the ODBC. Spouses and children are not considered guests and the word spouse includes girlfriend or boyfriend of the reciprocal guest.
6. Members of reciprocal yacht/boat clubs within fifty 50 road miles of ODBC may visit ODBC no more than six (6) times per year and no more than once per month and may be turned away on “Special” ODBC Member events (i.e., socials). Please note that restaurant seating may be limited during the summer season due to high member volume. Please call ahead to see if restaurant seating is available (703-836-1900 # 3).
7. Reciprocal marina guests must reserve a transient slip via Dockwa.com. Transient slips for reciprocal marina guests are available on a first-come, first served basis no sooner than fifteen (15) days prior to the requested date of occupancy. Reciprocal marina guests are limited to a stay of seven (7) days or less.
8. Reciprocal marina guests who arrive after regular business hours shall check in the following morning prior to 12:00 Noon.
9. Reciprocal marina Captains may only bring those staying onboard the vessel to the clubhouse during the time of their stay. Day sails are subject to capacity limitations that day, as appropriate, via the bar manager on duty.
10. Though not specifically set forth herein, all reciprocal guests are subject to Old Dominion Boat Club House and Ground Rules and transient boaters are subject additionally to all M&B Rules in effect at the time of the reciprocal visit.
- Reciprocal guests shall not be allowed the use of ODBC’s parking lot or an ODBC key card; but shall enter ODBC via the ODBC's main entrance at 0 Prince Street. Visitors can ring the bell for admission.
- Reciprocal guests may not run a bar tab for food and beverages Tabs.
- Proper attire is required for use of second-floor facilities. No member or guest shall be permitted to remain in the auditorium or the tap room without a shirt, shoes, skirt or dress, trousers, or shorts. At no time are men’s hats, ballcaps, men’s tank tops, swimsuits, or bare feet considered proper attire.
- The ODBC Clubhouse provides a tobacco-free and smoke-free environment to protect the health of its members, employees, (ODBC)and guests.
- Children under ten years of age are not permitted on the docks without a parent or responsible adult.
- Pets are not allowed on the Club property except when being taken to or from a member’s boat. Pets are not to run loose at any time. Owners are responsible to clean up after their pets.
- Refueling of vessels in any way is prohibited.
Effective 6/1/2024