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The Old Dominion Boat Club maintains a marina of 53 boat slips. Additionally, there is a work float and three Tee docks.   There are 18 large slips accommodating boats 25 feet in length or more. There are 35 small slips accommodating 16 to 24 feet in length.  These slips may be available for an ODBC member or non-member transient use in the event the assigned slip holder is out of the marina.

Transient reservations for an ODBC member may be made up to 30 days in advance. Select BOOK NOW button below.

Reciprocal transient reservations may be made no more than fifteen (15) days in advance of an expected stay. Slips or T-ends not previously reserved in this way may be assigned to members or transients by the M&B committee on a first come first served basis.  Select BOOK NOW button below.

Charges for transient slip usage will be established according to the length of the boat, and will be Two Dollars  ($2.00) per foot per night for non-members.  For non-members, there will be an additional charge for transient slip usage of an electrical connection fee of Five Dollars ($5.00) for each 30 amp circuit and Ten Dollars ($10.00) for each 50 amp circuit per night.

All fees shall be paid in advance or at the time of docking. Transients occupying the north and south T-Docks shall berth their boat so that it does not block the interior fairway between the north and the south docks with no part of the transient’s boat extending beyond the last piling on the north or south T-Dock closest to the Fairway.

M & B Rules require  boats be moored with the appropriate size, load and length for their size boat, half-inch lines being the minimum for use by all boats. 

Visiting boat owners are responsible for using their own lines. As a courtesy to slip holders, any lines found in a slip are not to be used or tampered with so that when the assigned slip holder  re-occupies the slip they do not have to adjust the lines.  Visiting boaters are required to provide their own electrical power cords.

Transient Reservations Available Click Below:

Old Dominion Boat Club | 0 Prince Street | Alexandria, Virginia 22314 | (703) 836-1900
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