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Poker Run 2016 - Registration Now Available - CLICK HERE for details

  • 27 Aug 2016
  • ODBC

Poker Run 2016 

Ahoy!  ODBC Skippers & Landlubbers and Pirate Families - Deal us in as part of your Summer Fun!

Mark your Calendars now for the 10th Anniversary of the Power Poker Run!  Saturday, August 27, 2016!

Three Events and Fun for All Ages:

  • Power Boat Poker Run – 5 stops along the Potomac River – Collect your cards at each stop come back to ODBC within the time limit and best hand wins a prize!  Registration now open (see below) to start fundraising for this event!  Top Prize goes to the boat that raises the most money!
  • Landlubber Leg – 5 Restaurant/Bar Stops using your legs, bike, or the Trolley system in Old Town (timed event registration just like the Power Boat event.  Individuals and/or teams register.  Pre-registration recommended $100.00 of fundraising gets your team name (individuals can give themselves a team name) on the tee shirt.  Same Rules apply as Boating event… 5 stops at different Old Town restaurants ,1 card each stop…return to ODBC within the time limit and best hand wins a prize!  Registration now open (see below) to start fundraising for this event!  (You will need to register under the poker run registration just like a boat).  Top Prize goes to the individual/team that raises the most money!
  • Pirate Families:  Pirate Peg Leg Treasure Hunt Old Town for 14 and under.  You will be given a sheet of locations and clues to find buried treasure within Old Town Alexandria.  Fill in your sheet and bring it back to ODBC within the time limit to be eligible for a prize.  Top Fundraising Family will win a prize! Pre-registration for a flat fee of $40.00.   Families can register as a team just like the Boaters/Landlubbers and get their team name on the tee shirt.  Registration now open (see below). If you raise $40.00 in donations, you do not pay the registration fee.   It is a great summer activity and a good way to share the lesson of fundraising as a family project over the summer break.  Some kid-friendly fundraising ideas are: lemonade stands, bake sales, yard sale, etc.  Get creative and have some fun!

Registration is now open for all events:

After all the events are over, all will come back to ODBC to turn in their cards/sheets and we will begin the picnic at 4: 00.  We will have a live band this year and give out some prizes and have some other party surprises!  So stay tuned!  And Register today!

If you can’t make this event and still want to help, you can support one of your ODBC teams at: OR you can make a general donation to the Poker Run at:  Poker Run Donation

See you there or you walk the plank!

Chairperson, Kim Weitzel –

ODBC mentioned on Leukemia Cup Organization HERE

Old Dominion Boat Club | 0 Prince Street | Alexandria, Virginia 22314 | (703) 836-1900
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