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Blessing of the Fleet

  • 20 May 2017
  • 11:00 AM
  • ODBC

On Saturday May 20 at approximately 11 a.m. ODBC Boaters will assemble into a flotilla for a trip up the Potomac River to the Washington Channel where the Port of Washington Yacht Club will host its annual Blessing of the Fleet. While many yacht clubs and boat clubs along the Potomac take part in the blessing each year, ODBC is usually the strongest participant in the event, normally sending anywhere from seven to twelve boats or more. Each vessel passes a reviewing stand near the Gangplank Marina where it is blessed and the captain and crew are invited to greet the crowd on shore via VHF radio.

Boaters who would like their boats blessed but cannot make the trip up river, may ask a participating boater to take along a cushion, pillow, or other object representing the absent boat to have it blessed by proxy.

After the blessing, the boaters return to the ODBC clubhouse grounds for refreshments.

To register your vessel for the Blessing of the Fleet, please read the communication below from the Port of Wahsington Yacht Club and follow their instructions.  If you do register on the website, please send an email to so I can organize the ODBC boaters into a flotilla..


Ahoy, Skippers!

Welcome to the registration page for the 42nd Annual Blessing of the Fleet, proudly presented and organized by the Port of Washington Yacht Club. We want a big turn out this year, so please take a few minutes to get signed up so we can get you all the important details for this fun kickoff to the cruising season!

42nd Annual Blessing of the Fleet: Registration

Event TimingMay 20th, 2017*

Vessel Line Up12:00

Event location: Washington Channel - clergy will be located at the head of Gangplank's Z-dock

Viewing Party will be held at the Cantina Marina Tower starting at 12:00.

After Party for Participants will begin at 14:00 at the Cantina Marina Main Bar.

Full event details, schedule, route, and captains meeting will be sent out to each registered captain at a later date. 

Please sign up now and stay tuned for a great event! To register, please click here.

Joshua Perry
Rear Commodore, Cruising
Port of Washington Yacht Club

Old Dominion Boat Club | 0 Prince Street | Alexandria, Virginia 22314 | (703) 836-1900
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