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M&B Lecture Series (All members invited) - 6:30p

  • 16 Dec 2021
  • 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Ballroom

Guest will be Jeff Foulk, the creator of Argo a free electronic navigation program. 

Host - Larry Landgraff



A LIVE Presentation by Jeff Foulk, Creator of ARGO NAVIGATION


6:30 PM Thursday, December 16th



 Last month in the movie “Celestial,” ODBC members learned about the centuries old navigation tools used by mariners of old.  In contrast, ARGO, now using the latest technology, is the most up to date electronic navigation tool available to the public, and it is free.

Electronics have permeated every aspect of modern society, making us reliant on them for basic everyday tasks like directions, communication, and research. Where the night sky has been used to navigate for thousands of years, most people now would be hopeless without their GPS. Today, ARGO solves those problems.  It shows you how to navigate from point A to B, using the most up to date modern technology downloaded to your phone or tablet. 

 ARGO is a free boating app that allows you to create routes to new destinations, share local knowledge, and connect with other boaters.  Think of it as having a first mate and the local boating community right in your pocket.  It already has over 50,000 users in the US and Canada with most of them in our area and the Chesapeake Bay region.

Jeff Foulk created ARGO.  He is an engineer by education and is a member of America’s Boating Club Baltimore. He has done contract work for the US Navy focused on ocean and waterway topography and environments.  Jeff had a dream: to help boaters uncover new destinations on the water with the use of their phone.  For five years he was consumed by the idea of developing an app to help boaters more easily find and get to places on the water.  Then, with a nudge from his wife, he started building the app in November 2018.  The app was released to the App and Play Store in September 2019.

After the presentation, Jeff will engage in a short Q&A session.

Old Dominion Boat Club | 0 Prince Street | Alexandria, Virginia 22314 | (703) 836-1900
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