The M&B Committee will sponsor ODBCs annual spring clean-up Saturday, April 15th at 9:00 am (rain date will be Sunday, April 16th). Please use the Sign-Up Genius below to volunteer for any task you like. We use this list to determine what we can get done, who can lead the projects as well as how much food we need to purchase for a nice lunch after we are done with our work. Please sign up here:
Clean-up Sign-up:
If you have any questions please contact (kimrogan@cox.net)
The Sock Burning Party follows in the evening
Free for all those that participate in the clean- up.
6:00 pm Cash Bar Opens with: Chicken BBQ, rolls, mac salad, potato salad
7:30 pm Sock Burning and 50/50 Raffle on the Piers
8:30 pm Music by DJ
There will be a charge of $15 for members and guests that did not work the clean-up. Sock burning symbolizes the beginning of boating season where we stop wearing socks and start wearing docksiders. There will be a fire to dispose of wintery worn socks along with a ritual poem narrated by Past Commodore Richard Lloyd. It’s a fun event!