Attention Boaters – ODBC is Offering a One-Day Coast Guard Approved Safety Course – Now required by Law.
Registration is currently closed.
The M&B Committee is organizing a one-day Coast Guard approved safety course and before we schedule the event, we would like to know if you would like to take the course.
All PWC operators aged 14 and older and all operators (regardless of age) of motorboats with a 10 hp or greater engine need to take a boating safety course. Once you complete the course, the course completion certificate or card that is provided by the course provider is what is required to operate a vessel. Use this link for complete course information:
Course Information:
Where: ODBC Ballroom
When: Saturday, March 9, 2024
Time: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm (there will be a lunch break)
What: Boat America Course, a National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) approved course.
Instructor: Robert Ivy, Flotilla Commander (FC), FSO-OP/IS, Flotilla 25-08, United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
Cost: $7.10 – Make Check out to: Flotilla 25-08
Exam – Passing Exam required to receive the Course Certificate and Wallet Card provided that day.
Each student will get a book, certificate, and wallet card. The course will be one day, both in the morning and afternoon.
Registration is currently closed. Contact the Club Commodore Art Barletta to see if there is any available space. Thank you.